Practical Tips for Quality Science Coverage

5-Minutes-Scientific-Journalism is a project by RedeComCiência that aims to contribute to the training of journalists and science communicators in Brazil through short videos with practical tips on scientific journalism. The initiative is supported by the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ).
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About 5-Minutes-Scientific-Journalism
According to a recent survey, less than 5% of journalism courses offered at public higher education institutions in Brazil have a compulsory subject in scientific journalism.
The idea of 5-Minutes-Scientific-Journalism emerged in mid-2020, amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. The members of RedeComCiência discussed the deficiencies in education in science journalism in the country and brainstormed on how to carry out our mission of contributing to science journalism in the country. That was the moment when the idea of 5-Minutes-Scientific-Journalism emerged.
In short, our goal is to present practical tips for producing quality science content, through short videos. How to find the best sources? How to read a scientific article? What are the career opportunities for science journalists? These are some of the questions we will seek to answer in our videos.
Do you have a suggestion for a topic that you would like to see addressed in 5-Minutes-Scientific-Journalism? Would you like to collaborate with the production of our videos? Send an e-mail with your suggestion to with the subject "Suggestion - 5-Minutes-Scientific-Journalism".
5-Minutes-Scientific-Journalism is a project by RedeComCiência coordinated by journalist Mariana Lenharo. The initiative is supported by the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ).